What we did and how we used it
What Making It Real is?
TLAP (Think Local Act Personal) is a national partnership of more than 50 organisations committed to transforming health and care through personalisation and community-based support.

We created an eBook on what we have done. please view it here: TLAP Making It Real eBook.
Click here to view our eBook
TLAP Making It Real highlights the issues most important to the quality of people’s lives. It helps the sector take responsibility for change and publicly share the progress being made. Making It Real is built around “I” and “we” statements. These express what people want to see and experience; and what they would expect to find if personalisation is really working well. Making it real helps organisations that genuinely want to get better at personalisation to look at their current practice against their statements, identify areas for change and develop plans for action.

How we decided to use Making It Real
decided on how we would use Making It Real after extensive team
brainstorms on best practice and to identify areas for change. From this
we decided upon the following methods:
• As a quality measurement tool for our care plans. Matching the ‘I’ statements to areas of the care plan which focuses service managers on meeting those standards of care for individuals.
• We developed a survey for the people we support, using survey monkey using the ‘I’ statements. This allows us to measure the impact that Making It Real has had on our clients. This enabled us to identify the extent to which the people we support felt that those statements rung true for them.
• We developed an action plan addressing any areas that did not meet the needs of the clients as a result of the feedback from the survey monkey
• We will be putting the action plans into place over the next few months, and we will also be asking clients to complete the survey again in order to measure the impact of TLAP Making It Real.
Follow this link to see the results of our current survey.

How we intend to use Making It Real in the future
We plan to continue incorporating Making It Real into our systems and procedures. This might include statements within our supervisions, appraisals, quality assurance and review forms with clients. It may also be included without our recruitment process in terms of aligning the values and voice of clients as expressed through making it real, with how we interview and assess staff. We will be supporting our co-production sponsors to understand Making It Real and to advise on our Implementation of it.
How we involved the people we support (Co-production)
One of the people we support has accepted an invitation from us to be a ‘Making It Real and co-production champion’ – he has been heavily involved in helping to test our use of incorporating the ‘I’ statements in care plans and the survey monkey questionnaire. He is going to be the first person to help us test this new way of care provision from end to end. He will be writing a blog about his experiences soon which will include the Benefits and challenges he has faced.

If anyone wants to know more about our Making It Real initiatives, please contact: MakingItReal@manorcommunity.co.uk